Hashem's Unity


Bereishis 2:7 "and He blew into his nostrils the breath of life (nishmas chayim)." 

Rashi: Hashem made him (Adam) of earthy matter and of heavenly matter. His body [is made] from earthy matter and his soul from heavenly matter. 

B'chor Shor: Neshama refers to the uppermost soul that comes from G-d, and which provides man with his superiority of knowledge, speech, and intellect beyond all animals ... and which will one day submit to judgment. 

Chizkuni: Nishmas chayim refers to the soul which lives on forever and does not die with the body.

 Sforno: Hashem breathed into Adam a vivifying soul ready to receive the image of G-d. Ramban: Since this soul was breathed into his nostrils by G-d, it follows that man's soul was of Divine essence and that Scripture specifically mentioned the Source of man's soul in order to make it clear that the soul did not come to man from the elements. 

Meam Loez: At the time of creation, G-d foresaw that Israel would accept the Torah. He arranged a special place in the highest firmament known as Aravos. Here were placed all the souls that were destined to be born into our world. Another place was set aside for all the souls which had already lived in the world and have returned to their source. In the prayer for the dead (Hashkavah), there is a petition that G-d place the soul "in the treasury of eternal life". We are asking that this soul be allowed into this special reserved place, because the individual was a good Jew and did not sin. The soul has exactly the same number of 248 limbs and 365 blood vessels that are all spiritual. (Meam Loez) 

Ask yourself this question: Does Hashem have parts? (The answer is a resounding NO.) If the soul has parts, it is definitely not a part of Hashem since Hashem has no parts. 👇👇👇👇 Don't be misled when people often mistakenly equate the soul as "part of" Hashem. This is an error.
